The first offer is for 1-2 Mule deer hunters. This is a 9,800 acre free range private ranch located in Northern Utah. Great population of mule deer. Expect to see 20 to 40 bucks per day during this 5 day hunt. Date is arrive camp November 5th PM and hunt the 6th thru 10th 2014. This ranch produces a 170″ to 190″ type buck.

The ranch seems to pile up bucks during this time and new bucks are moving in and out everyday being the rut is just getting started. Accommodations are small cabins for sleeping with mattress beds, 2 men to a cabin. Full bathroom and a nice house for gathering and dining. Terrain is very open and several roads make for easy access from 4×4 trucks and the occasional side by side ranger. Fully guided 1×1 and cook, food, trophy care. Ranch is located 2 hours North of Salt Lake City. If driving they will provide directions to camp. If flying they will pick up at local hotel so you would fly to SLC and rent a car. Cost of the hunt is $6,900 + $350 sales tax and $343.00 for license. There are 3 hunters in camp this week. They have one spot booked so 2 openings remain.