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Bezoar Ibex

The Bezoar Ibex (Capra aegagrus aegagrus) is native to several Asian countries. For more than 20 years, Turkey has hosted Bezoar hunters from all over the world and today is considered to be the best destination available for this Ibex. It is also found in the mountains of Asia Minor, across the Middle East, some Aegean Islands, and in Crete where it is accepted that the goats constitute relict populations of very early domestic animals that were taken to the Mediterranean islands during the prehistoric period and now live as feral populations.
As a big game animal, the Bezoar Ibex is highly sought after. It is spectacularly beautiful, with long sweeping scimitar shaped horns that grow up to 50 inches and some consider it to be the best looking of all the Ibex family. They are in good numbers throughout Turkey and widely spread along the Taurus range that extends from western Mediterranean eastward. There are about 30 different areas in Turkey where ibex hunting is allowed for trophy hunters.
Like any other wild goat, the Bezoar Ibex is a dweller of steep terrain and generally inhabits the alpine zone of the mountains. It is possible to find them at any altitude between 2,400 to 9,000 feet. Hunts are almost always conducted on foot.